Resident is grateful for newspaper’s election coverage

I’ve been meaning to write to your newspaper for quite some time, but I just managed to get around to it. I’d like to thank you for your participation during the last East Brunswick Township Council election. Yours was the only newspaper that provided coverage.

Your reporter, Vincent Todaro, gave a decent portrayal of what went on at council meetings. Though it appeared he gave members additional response time after the meeting, it looked as though he was trying to be fair.

During the election, many issues came up that not only affected the outcome of the contest but township life in general. Your newspaper made us aware of the issues, and rightfully so — I always thought that was the job of a newspaper. Apparently, in our town there is only one newspaper that does its job and one reporter who does his job.

I only wish it was possible to have your newspaper delivered to my home instead of having to read my daughter’s. A second-hand paper with relevant news is better than no paper at all.

Jack J. Dermer

East Brunswick