Sirr exhibits character, dedication and expertise on board

I am writing this letter in support of Patrick J. Sirr for the East Brunswick Board of Education. Pat has been a longtime board member and has done an excellent job in that position.

I have had the good fortune to work with him personally on the East Brunswick Band Boosters executive board and on several Board of Education committees. He has always been thoughtful, levelheaded and objective. He looks at the big picture and always makes decisions based on the facts.

Pat’s dedication to our children is unquestioned. Not only has he served East Brunswick for 18 years on the Board of Education, he is also very ac­tive at the county and state level. In fact, last year he was elected by school board members across the state to serve as vice president of the New Jersey School Boards Association. He has also been designated by the New Jersey School Boards Association as a master board member. His personal integrity, character and dedication make him the kind of board member we need in East Brunswick.

I urge all my fellow parents and resi­dents to vote "Yes, Sirr" on April 15.

Lester Rear

East Brunswick