Residents can get things done at state, county level


By: Mae Rhine
   Residents can make a difference.
   The latest proof is the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s decision to lower the speed limit on the dangerous Windy Bush Road in Solebury Township.
   Residents complained to the Board of Supervisors, which, in turn, contacted PennDOT. And things started moving.
   It’s unfortunate it took several fatalities and numerous accidents, however, before something was done. But residents can take pride in getting the state’s attention and, thus, getting a consistent 25 mph speed limit along the more than 5-mile stretch of road, as well as warning signs at intersections and the elimination and shortening of passing zones.
   These changes will take place sometime this spring.
   Likewise, Lambertville residents are moving to get the speed lowered on Route 518, known locally as Brunswick Pike, before someone loses their life.
   A proposed 87-unit senior housing project intensified concern about the windy road that ends at the busy intersection of routes 165 and 179, perilously close to the main artery, Route 29.
   Some sections of the road have 35 and 40 mph limits. The city wants one speed limit — 25 mph.
   That would make it safer for drivers coming on and off the roadway as well as for workers who deliver mail and pick up recyclables and garbage. And there are at least three school bus stops along the road.
   Visibility, too, is very poor because of the road’s snaky turns.
   The situation now is dangerous. And if the 87-unit development is approved, there’s real potential for a very serious accident.
   Residents and city officials know this so they are pushing Hunterdon County to lower the speed limit.
   And we think they’ll get the job done.
   So take heart. Residents can make a difference.