Three win seats in Northern Burlington

   Voters in Northern Burlington voted James Foley, 220 votes, Henry Strasser, 280 votes, and James Nucito, 516, to three-year seats on the school board.

   Voters in Northern Burlington voted James Foley, 220 votes, Henry Strasser, 280 votes, and James Nucito, 516, to three-year seats on the school board.
   If voters approve the $27.9 million budget, property owners will see a 14.7 percent increase in school taxes.

  • Budget: 192 yes, 216 no.


  • Henry Strasser: 280


  • Budget: 155 yes, 250 no.


  • Budget: 397 yes, 689 no.


  • James Nucito: 516.

   North Hanover
    If approved, residents in North Hanover would see a school tax rate increase of 10.5 cents to 95 cents per $100 of assessed prop erty value. The owner of a home assessed at the township average of $150,000 would pay $1,425, an increase of $158.