Jewish federation to open
area office in Manalapan
MANALAPAN — The long-awaited arrival of a home office to serve the needs of the Jewish community in western Mon-mouth County will soon become a reality.
The new Manalapan office for the Jewish Federation of Greater Monmouth County and the Jewish Community Center of Western Monmouth will open at 1 p.m. April 27 in the Galleria shopping center, Route 9 north. A ribbon cutting ceremony and mezuzah blessing will take place at 3:30 p.m. Activities will continue until 5 p.m.
"There will be dignitaries in attendance to share a few words of support as well as balloons, give-a-ways, children’s crafts, light refreshments and music for the entire family to enjoy," said Andrea Alexander, director of the new Manalapan office for the Jewish Federation. "An ambulance for Israeli victims of terror, which was purchased through generous donations of individuals in Monmouth County, will also be dedicated and a representative from the Israeli embassy will give us an update on the Middle East situation."
Shelley Feingold, outreach director of the JCC, said, "The move to the highly visible Manalapan office is a big step up for the JCC. Our increased accessibility on Route 9 has brought JCC members and nonmembers into the office to say hello and find out more about the JCC and the Jewish Federation.
"The JCC’s goal is to build the Jewish community in western Monmouth through the development and delivery of programs and services, both on our own and in conjunction with other organizations, including the Jewish Federation," she said.
The center will offer cultural, educational, social, athletic and social action programs to people of all ages. New members and volunteers are always welcome, said Feingold, who is joined on the JCC staff by James Nolan, health and physical education director, and Marlie Beyda, young singles coordinator.
JCC President Matt Benjamin said, "We are very pleased to be in our new space and look forward to working collaboratively with our neighbors to create the most desirable Jewish neighborhood in the United States."
The JCC has an Internet Web site at
Speaking about the federation, Alexander said, "The Jewish Federation is the umbrella agency for the entire Mon-mouth County area. Through its beneficiary agencies, the federation offers essential services to Jewish people spanning the entire life cycle.
"Some of our programs include home-delivered Kosher meals, counseling services, vocational counseling for the unemployed, sports leagues for teens, financial and emotional support for 9/11 families, camp and day school scholarships, Jewish singles programming, the Jewish Voice newspaper and the Commission on Jewish Education," said the director."
Leah Todres, vice president of outreach for federation, said, "This area of the county is growing by leaps and bounds. The board recognized the need and desire to have a central address in the west, a place where Jewish people could connect and actively participate in the future of the community."