Ability, not gender, should earn one’s vote

I read with interest James P. Tarras’ letter to the editor ("Women, and Men, Should Help Women Win in 19th District") in the April 24 issue of the Suburban. In his letter, Mr. Tarras advocates support for certain Democratic Party candidates for Assembly.

As a woman, I find his letter degrading. No one should vote for a person because of his or her sex any more than you should vote for a person because of his or her skin color or ethnicity. Candidates should be evaluated and supported because of their ability to best represent their constituents, without regard to skin color, ethnicity, religion — or sex.

While it is important to have diversity and a government that is representative of the people, patronizing women because of statistics is just not sound policy. I, for one, will be voting with open eyes and an open mind and will elect the woman or man whom I think can best do the job.

Miranda Wojcik
