To the editor
I have read with increasing disappointment a number of letters in the Hillsborough Beacon about alleged "misconduct" of Mayor Tony Gwiazdowski.
However, my disappointment is not with the mayor it is with the people in this township that seem to be searching for topics to make into issues. Since the beginning of this year, we seem to have had nothing but debate about supposed misdeeds by Republicans and Democrats.
I have seen surprisingly little discussion about the very real issues that face our community.
My understanding of the facts is that someone brought information about possible misconduct in the township office to the mayor. The mayor took that information, and passed it onto the county prosecutor, who investigated it.
Forgive my confusion here, but isn’t that the way that the system is supposed to work?
We have many real and serious issues that we need to work on. Can we please put partisan politics aside for a while, so that we can start focusing on the business at hand?
Peterson Road