Resident thanks village for schools support

Letter to the editor

To the editor:
   As the school year end comes to an end, and children’s voices ring with enthusiasm for summer break, I would like to take a moment to express my appreciation as a parent to all of those that who have been instrumental in the safety and well being of our most precious commodity — our children.
   Thank you to the crossing guards who through rain and snow insure our children safely crosses the street. Thank you to the custodians and maintenance crew who insure the buildings and grounds are cleaned and well prepared for school and the numerous activities that happen throughout the year. Thank you to the cafeteria staff who prepares the lunches and food for special activities.
   Thank you to our teachers, staff, administrators and the Board of Education for their dedication and commitment to the educational excellence of our future leaders of tomorrow. Thank you to the many parents who work tirelessly throughout the year to raise funds, build sets for plays, secure donations, landscape the school grounds and coordinate alcohol free social events such as Project Graduation.
   It takes an entire village working together to advance our children throughout the school year. Thank you for your time, your energy, your resources and your money which contributed to making our children’s school year a most enjoyable, safe and rewarding experience. Your partnership has made a difference and I am most grateful.
Karla Stein
Edith Drive