The Monroe Township Public Library, 4 Municipal Plaza, will present the Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey’s next stage eNSEmble touring production of Love’s Labour Lost at 2 p.m. on July 12. The NSE company will return to the library at 2 p.m. on July 26 to offer its presentation of Antigone.
Free tickets for the one-hour adaptations of the classic plays will be available at the library circulation desk beginning July 1. The public is welcome to attend the performances.
The next stage eNSEmble, now in its 11th year, was created as part of the Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey Summer Professional Training Program in order to foster the work of early-career actors and directors. NSE upholds the Shakespearean tradition of a traveling company of actors bringing its repertoire into the community.
For more information, call (732) 521-5000.