William P. Howe exhibit at Hopewell Township library

History group picks officers.

   The Hopewell Valley Historical Society (HVHS) recently opened an exhibit at the Hopewell Township Branch, Mercer County Library.
   The exhibit is entitled "William P. Howe — Pennington Visionary." Mr. Howe arrived in Pennington Borough in 1910, twice served as mayor, and founded Howe Nurseries.
   Through the kindness of his descendants, as well as private donors, many personal items from the Howe family are on view.
   The display was prepared by HVHS trustees Jack Koeppel, David Blackwell and Jack Davis, chairman of the Collections Committee.
   For information on the display, call Mr. Davis at 730-8552. The exhibit is free and open to the public.
   At the HVHS annual meeting, Susan L. Porcella was elected president. Other officers serving are: Emily Schwab, (vice president), Pam Cain (treasurer), and Carol Meszaros (secretary). Fred Cain is the immediate past president. Trustees elected for three-year terms are Larry Mansier, Lorraine Seabrook, Penny Branham and Benjl Orr.
   Membership information can be obtained by contacting Susan Rittling at 466-8260 or by e-mail at: [email protected].