Wild turkey was not shot by Sayreville police officer

On July 10, in the letters to the editor column, the Suburban published comments authored by Judy Mills of Sayreville ("Fate of Wild Turkey Horrifies Area Resident").

We commend Ms. Mills for taking her time to publicly express her opinion. However, the Sayreville Police Department takes exception to paragraph four, wherein Ms. Mills stated that "a wild turkey was callously shot and killed by one of our policemen." This statement is not factual, and is, in fact, untrue.

Ms. Mills was apparently misinformed by unknown person or persons as to the circumstances surrounding the demise of the wild turkey. The Sayreville Police Department had responded to numerous calls for traffic problems on the Main Street extension, due to the wild turkey walking on the roadway. In an effort to maintain public safety and to prevent the turkey from being injured, the Sayreville Police Department enlisted the aid of the state of New Jersey Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife. Several weeks ago, a wildlife technician from the Wildlife Services section came into the borough of Sayreville as requested.

The wildlife technician, did, in fact, put the turkey down. While many are saddened and angered by this action, it was an action by those who are empowered to make these decisions. It is not the policy of the Sayreville Police Department to shoot either wild or domestic animals.

We will continue to treat all animals as humanely as possible and to call the proper authority, be it the local animal control officer or the proper state agency.

Chief John Garbowski

Sayreville Police Department