Letter: NIMBYs opposing high school plan

To the editor:
I completely agree with Lisa Weinthal’s letter in the Aug. 1 Cranbury Press.
   Nancy Prohaska has made it her life’s ambition to block this new high school plan, because it is right across the street from her house. Frequently, Park Savers has printed misleading or clouded facts in our local papers, preying on the uninformed to help fuel their cause.
   Unfortunately, Ms. Prohaska knows the whole world will not support her self-serving agenda, so she masks it by calling it a cause to save open space. What is more unfortunate is that this political charade that she is playing could end up destroying the very hard work of many people and the educational needs of Monroe’s children for years to come.
   There has been ample opportunity for Ms. Prohaska and her group to be involved in the planning of Monroe’s educational future. There were ad hoc committees of residents formed to help plan the new referendum. Ms. Prohaska and her group were invisible. Maybe if Ms. Prohaska and her group had worked so hard on the last referendum as opposed to shooting down this one, a new school would be under construction a good distance away from her residence.
Victor Lafaman
