Two teens arrested for burglaries in Tinton Greens

Youths charged in four cases; five cases in same complex remain unresolved

By elaine van develde
Staff Writer

Youths charged in four cases; five cases in same complex remain unresolved

By elaine van develde

Staff Writer

TINTON FALLS — While police say they have caught the culprits in the case of a string of burglaries in one neighborhood, other similar crimes in the area remain unresolved.

Police arrested and charged two Tinton Falls male juveniles, 14 and 15 years old, with four counts each of burglary, theft, criminal mischief and conspiracy related to four burglaries that were committed in the Tinton Greens development, off Way­side Road, during the month of July.

Right now the boys are charged with four burglaries, three of which, according to reports, resulted in theft. Burglary, borough police Capt. David Trevena said, constitutes the entering of a dwelling with the intent of committing the crime of theft, and theft is the actual taking of belongings.

Of the four instances the teens were charged in, two occurred July 30, one on July 28 and another on July 13.

There are five other burglaries prior to these incidents "which involved some attempts to enter residences in the same development through back doors or windows and in some cases jewelry and cash were taken," Trevena said.

"We have reason to believe these other five cases may be connected, but we have not charged anyone yet," Trevena added. "The cases are still being investigated."

The cases on which the July 30 arrests were based had a common characteristic, according to Trevena.

"The juveniles would approach a house and ring the doorbell. If someone answered, they would ask if the homeowner wanted their lawn mowed," he said. "If no one was home, the juveniles would go around to the back of the house and look for a point of entry, which was usually a back door or window."

In one of the July 30 burglaries on Sam Drive, the youths allegedly entered the residence through an open garage and were "caught in the act taking fishing lures worth about $20," Trevena said. After this, they were arrested, and the other charges were lodged for previous alleged burglaries and/or thefts.

Also on July 30, an attempt at an entry to a St. John Court home was made. It was unsuccessful and nothing was taken.

The two boys who were arrested the same day are believed to be responsible for this attempt. They were charged with burglary, criminal mischief and conspiracy in this case.

On July 28 the same teens were suspected of entering a Glassboro Drive home and stealing a Nintendo Gameboy, a Sony Walkman, a Sony Playstation and video games valued at about $240, according to police reports.

They were charged with burglary, theft, criminal mischief and conspiracy.

The two teens are also accused of entering a Harvard Drive home on July 13 and taking a BB gun valued at $200.

For that incident, they face the burglary, theft, criminal mischief and conspiracy charges as well.

The boys, who live in the same development where the alleged rash of burglaries occurred, were released to their parents’ custody.

Concerning a possible motive, Trevena said, "If they end up convicted, I don’t really know why anyone, especially this young, would do this and risk these charges. It’s not worth it. They didn’t steal anything worth more than a couple hundred dollars. It seems like the suspects were just looking for something to do. What ever happened to Little League?"