Meier named to Planning Board

Meier named to Planning Board

HOWELL — Former zoning board member Steven Meier has been appointed to fill a vacant seat on the Planning Board.

Meier, 49, will take the seat formerly held by Michael Howell, who resigned earlier this month. Howell was appointed to the board in January 2002. Meier will complete Howell’s term, which expires on Dec. 31. Meier served on the zoning board from 1997 to 2002.

Meier is presently the vice chairman of the township’s citizens advisory committee, on which he has served for almost eight years. He also serves as an alternate member of the environmental commission since his appointment to that panel earlier this summer.

In other business at a recent Township Council meeting, the governing body, moving to fill volunteer seats on an ordinance review panel being developed, heard from Easy Street resident Keith Goosen.

Goosen told Mayor Tim Konopka and council members he is a professor of engineering at the University of Delaware and said he would like to be a member of the ordinance review panel. The panel will be charged with reviewing Howell’s existing ordinances to see if they need to be revised.

So far, appointees announced for the committee are residents John Librio, Robert McCarthy and John Costigan, who is the chairman of Howell’s open space preservation task force.

Township Manager Bruce Davis’ office is accepting resumes from individuals who are seeking to serve on the ordinance review panel.

— Kathy Baratta