Young people in O.B. can make difference by electing Phillips

Young people in O.B. can make difference by electing Phillips

This November young people in Old Bridge have a real chance to be heard. We have the ability to make a real difference in how our town is run. We must choose to take an active role in bettering our community. The future of Old Bridge is in our hands, and that’s why we must choose Jim Phillips to lead us as mayor.

Jim’s vision of Old Bridge is one of not just success, but also of community. With an energetic and experienced mayor, as Jim would be, we can look forward to a balance between commercial development and protecting the natural beauty of Old Bridge’s rural history. Because of Phillips’ extensive background in politics and economics, Old Bridge should be confident that the future is bright by electing Phillips as mayor and his team, Dennis Maher, Ed Testino and Pat Gillespie, as council members.

As a young person myself, I believe Jim may serve as the impetus to galvanize the youthful population of Old Bridge. If our town is transformed, with the help of Jim, our young people will have the incentive to stay in Old Bridge and invest in the community, business and schools.

For the past decade we have been moving in a direction that has led us to overdevelopment, congested roadways and a neglected, overcrowded school system.

Our priorities must change and so must our direction. If the status quo is no longer acceptable, then you must vote for change — you should vote Jim Phillips.

John Allen

Old Bridge