Letters to the Herald

For the Aug. 29 issue.

Slow Down is asset

to Hightstown
To the editor:
Saturday evening our family walked downtown and stepped into the Slow Down Cafe for dessert. As an added treat there were two local young musicians, Chris Smith and John Walsh, entertaining the clientele. In the cozy atmosphere of the cafe we enjoyed listening to one of their sets and watching people of all ages coming and going with ice cream. What a great addition to our community. Kudos!

Jennie Lindbloom

Early detection

of ADHD essential
To the editor:
Recent news stories about children diagnosed with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder are important as the new school year begins. Our ability to diagnose children with ADHD and other learning disabilities at early ages and then establish individualized cognitive rehabilitation programs is essential.
   A study in the August issue of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology concludes that children with ADHD are more likely to smoke, drink and use illegal drugs. The new school year brings the opportunity to observe youngsters as young as 6 years old to help determine if they are lacking the cognitive learning skills they need. Educators must take a proactive role in identifying possible cognitive failures so that they can be properly addressed. A child’s physical, emotional and mental capacities are all connected to self-esteem. Students who perform poorly in school but are not entitled to early intervention programs to help meet their needs often suffer from poor self-image and self-esteem. These traits typically lead to the secondary level of psychological problems such as substance abuse.
   As a board certified neuropsychologist who provides treatment for youngsters and adults with learning disabilities, behavioral and social issues, I have helped countless people develop, regain and balance the mental, emotional, cognitive and physical health necessary for an independent and successful life. Identifying the need at an early age is the key to success.

Dr. Robert Sica
Founder, Lifespan