Adoption conference

scheduled for Nov. 1

Adoption conference

scheduled for Nov. 1

Concerned Persons for Adoption will hold New Jersey’s 22nd annual "Let’s Talk Adoption" conference Nov. 1, from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. The event will be held at Rut­gers University’s Busch Campus Center, Piscataway, and is intended for prospective and current adoptive parents, social work­ers, adoptees, birth parents and child wel­fare professionals.

This year’s "Let’s Talk Adoption" is sponsored by Concerned Persons for Adop­tion, the New Jersey Interagency Adoption Council, and Rutgers University School of Social Work. Keynote speaker will be Susan Soon-keum Cox of Holt International Children’s Services, Oregon.

Registration is necessary, and costs $35 per person, $60 per couple up to Oct. 15, and $40 per person, $70 per couple after Oct. 15. To register or for more information, call (908) 273-5694.