Resident voices disapproval of council incumbents

It seems, from the governor’s office all the way down to my hometown of Brick, politicians have certainly learned how to feather their nests at the expense of the taxpayers.

I’m getting behind the GRIP (Get Rid of Incumbent Politicians) movement and voting out all incumbent politicians because it’s time to start the massive cleanup of corruption. I hope the voters wake up and make sure that they take this opportunity to restore faith in our local and state governments.

There are some in Brick who protest the established government, trying to make it more open and exposed. Our Township Council won’t even televise council meetings for me when, due to health issues, I can’t travel to them.

Do I think our mayor has something to hide? Yes I do!

I have seen the two sides of Mayor Joseph Scarpelli. The one that we see in public, cutting ribbons and seeming like the nice guy, and the other side of Joe. That’s the nasty side that left such a bad taste in my mouth for the past few years. Anytime anyone challenges his tax-and-spend team, they are attacked viciously with the same old friends of Scarpelli.

I will be voting for anybody who isn’t affiliated with his team. Taxes have increased so high and I can’t afford to risk my future ability to live on a fixed income.

I will be voting for Acropolis, Scaturro, Thulen and Matthews because they knocked on my door and really cared about what I had to say. They said they would televise council meetings and stop our property taxes from going higher by cutting the political jobs that have been established by Mayor Scarpelli.

Steve Acropolis will be the only incumbent I’m re-electing because he should be our next mayor in two years. He’s always been honest and trustworthy from what I’ve read in the papers.

After meeting his team, called the "Taxpayer Team," I realized that they should be elected, and the Scarpelli team rejected.

Mary Schmidt
