Brick Blvd. construction hurts business

Brick Blvd. construction hurts business

We opened Liberty Fitness Center at 231 Brick Blvd., Brick, on Aug. 8 with such enthusiasm and expectation for success. The current construction taking place on Brick Boulevard has negatively impacted our business’s ability to succeed. Patrons are avoiding this route in general due to the lack of clear, proper road markings and signs, creating confusion for all those traveling on Brick Boulevard.

When the rental was secured for Liberty Fitness Center, the owner/operator was assured that the roadwork would be completed within six months. According to local authorities, the project timeframe has been extended. The loss of business due to this road work on Brick Boulevard has been detrimental to many businesses along this route.

Liberty Fitness Center in Brick is the first Liberty Fitness to open on the East Coast. Based in California, the other Liberty Fitness Centers have achieved great success. Having advanced, hydraulic, adjustable equipment, the gym is destined to succeed. The only obstacle to success at this point is the nightmare construction our potential patrons must endure in order to enter our facility.

I am writing this on behalf of all the business owners on Brick Boulevard who are suffering from this roadwork disaster, in a business sense, with the hope that, by speaking out, the public will be patient and continue to patronize all of us [businesses] on Brick Boulevard

Liberty Fitness Center will extend a free week of workouts — no strings attached — to any woman who walks through our doors. There will be no sign-up fee.

Robin LoBue

Liberty Fitness Center
