Mayor should tune out election time negativity

It is so disheartening to me to see the attacks being waged on Mayor Joseph Scarpelli by the Republican Party.

I’m raising two children in this town, and we love it. We feel safe here. The recreation department is terrific. Plus, the variety of cultural arts programs available is very important to us. At this time of year, election time, there is a lot of anger out there directed toward politicians. So it is why at this time, residents young, old and in between want to thank you, Mayor Scarpelli, for the job you are doing.

You are dedicated to making this town the best it can be –– we know that and applaud you and your council for your hard work and devotion so we can be proud to say we live in Brick. Do not let the negative press get you down. At the end of the day, I think people are smart enough to realize that you are a man who has always and will continue to put his heart into the job. I want to personally thank you and remind you that your supporters stand behind you!

Patrice Jennette
