Stay on track with regional drug alliance

Any step down the road toward regionalization of services is a positive one and it is good to see Red Bank, Shrewsbury and Little Silver considering that step regarding their drug alliance programs.

Unfortunately, there seems to be a disagreement about just how the alliance will be run.

Through this year Red Bank and Shrewsbury have shared the services of John Austin as drug alliance coordinator. Before the announcement of Austin’s retirement, Little Silver was planning to join the alliance, but the whole thing seems to be in jeopardy over how Austin will be replaced.

Red Bank is ready to consider contracting the service with Ocean Township-based, Prevention First, an established nonprofit that provides drug abuse education and services in a number of communities in the county, including the Red Bank school system.

Both Little Silver and Shrewsbury have voiced objections to using Prevention First, preferring to retain the services of an individual recommended by Austin.

It was noted that Austin has successfully reached out to community organizations to gain the needed financial support and it is assumed that his replacement would be able to do the same. The county requires towns that receive grants for drug prevention programs to match the funds.

The concerns of the three towns are not unreasonable, but before making a final decision, the service offered by Prevention First deserves a full and fair hearing. While an individual may be able to craft programs particularly suited to the towns’ needs, there is no reason to believe that Prevention First would be any less responsive. Also, there is something to be said for going with a larger organization, particularly one with an experienced staff in place.

There is no question that Prevention First would be more flexible in its ability to provide services to the three communities and, as an established nonprofit, it has experience with fund raising and should be able to handle that aspect of the job better than all but the most skilled individual.

In the end an agreement on a regional approach is every bit as important as whether an individual or organization can best provide the service.