Resident found political ad misleading

It was interesting to read Kimberley Casten’s letter to the editor in the Nov. 6 Brick Township Bulletin. In that letter she chastised Dan Toth for his letter of Oct. 23 for what she calls his "distortions."

Her letter was interesting in light of that portion of the full-page political advertisement in the Oct. 30 Brick Township Bulletin attributed to Mrs. Casten. In that ad, next to her picture and above her signature, it states in part, "As Council President, I stopped the proposed Home Depot."

I was under the impression that the effort to stop Home Depot was truly a team effort, with residents providing a strong and driving voice, along with many elected officials. While she may have participated in that effort, for her to imply that she was responsible is quite amusing.

Talk about distortions. I felt much more satisfaction participating in the last election than I usually do. Thanks for the validation, Mrs. Casten.

Brian Timmons
