Word on the Street

Word on the Street

Yeah. He’s a hypocrite.  — Steve Jones Red BankYeah. He’s a hypocrite. — Steve Jones Red Bank

Conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh said all drug users should go to jail.

Do you think he should do time?

No. Because it’s pharmaceutical and he’s not dealing.  — Lou Lanza Red BankNo. Because it’s pharmaceutical and he’s not dealing. — Lou Lanza Red Bank I don’t think he should go to jail, because I don’t think drug users should go to jail. I believe in treatment. But for poetic justice, yes, he should be  treated as harshly as everyone else.  — Cheri Jiosne Red BankI don’t think he should go to jail, because I don’t think drug users should go to jail. I believe in treatment. But for poetic justice, yes, he should be treated as harshly as everyone else. — Cheri Jiosne Red Bank