Murphy’s election confirmed

Staff Writer

Murphy’s election
Staff Writer

RED BANK — A recount performed by the Monmouth County Election Board Monday reached the same conclusion that was made on Election Day: Democratic Councilman Arthur Murphy will maintain his seat on the Borough Council.

"The numbers were exactly the same," said Peggy Laquidara, the board’s chief clerk.

Attempts to reach Murphy before an early press deadline this week because of the Thanksgiving holiday were unsuccessful.

GOP challenger Kay Ernst, who lost the Nov. 4 election by just 25 votes, requested the recount two weeks ago.

In making her request, Ernst, who ran on a "better not bigger Red Bank," said that considering how close the tally was, her supporters deserved a recount.

The 36-year-old business administrator and west side resident said she wanted to make sure her loss was not attributed to human error.

In a contest for two three-year terms on Nov. 4, Ernst polled 1,093 votes, treading closely behind Democratic candidate Murphy, who received 1,118 votes. Incumbent Councilman Pasquale Menna earned his sixth term with 1,298 votes, and Republican challenger Paul Emberger had 1,043 votes.

Murphy, a borough-based builder and developer, who was appointed to fill the Borough Council seat vacated by Councilwoman Betty Thompson last October, said on election night that he would focus on revamping Red Bank’s Parks and Recreation Department.

Menna, a borough-based attorney, said he will spend his next term revising the borough’s master plan and constructing a plan that would provide affordable housing for seniors.