Community support helps disabled veterans

Each Memorial Day and Veterans Day period disabled American veterans around the country seek donations and, in return, hand out our signature blue "forget-me-not" paper flowers.

The Marvin Wachsman Chapter 77 Disabled American Veterans, with members from Howell, Jackson and Plumsted, also participates in these semi-annual events.

The response from our generous community members assists us in supporting our fellow disabled veterans.

[I can tell you that] 100 percent of all money collected is used for disabled American veterans through our dispensing funds to a variety of support activities to the three state veterans homes, Ocean County Vets-Work, DAV national and state programs, and servicing clinics and hospitals provided by the U.S. Veterans Adminis-tration.

Our men and women members wish to especially thank our community members, the Howell Wal-Mart and Stop and Shop and the Jackson Stop and Shop and ShopRite for allowing us to collect funds at their facilities.

With their support and the support of the communities we live in, many amenities are able to be provided to those who gave so much and ask so little.

Frederick Wetherell


Disabled American Veterans
