Remember soldiers, less fortunate over holidays

The warmth and joy of the holiday season brings us closer to each other each year. During this busy time of parades, shopping, parties and other holiday festivities, let us all take time to give thanks for our blessings and enjoy the company of family and friends.

Throughout this joyous season, we must also remember those who are less fortunate. Indeed, to practice the biblical admonition of peace and goodwill is to celebrate the true holiday spirit.

Let us also keep the courageous men and women of our armed forces in our thoughts and prayers. Many of them are overseas and will not be with their loved ones this holiday season; some have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our nation strong and free.

As governor, I thank the citizens of our state for your dedication and commitment toward building a better New Jersey. This year, we moved New Jersey forward in several key areas, including education, the economy, the environment and health care.

Though the new year will bring new challenges, we will meet them together as we have in the past -– with the right solutions for the citizens of our state. It is in this spirit that Dina, Jacqueline and I thank you helping to make New Jersey a better place. May you and your family enjoy a most blessed and happy holiday season.

James E. McGreevey


New Jersey