Let’s leave “Miss Merry Christmas” the way it is

Let’s leave "Miss Merry Christmas" the way it is

Why does Miss Merry Christmas need a new name? After reading Mr. J. Aden Lewis’ article in your Dec. 3 issue titled "Miss Merry Christmas needs a new name," I felt compelled to write to you regarding my feelings, and many other Metuchenites as well, on the subject. 

Having grown up in north Edison, and a stone’s throw from the Metuchen/Edison border, much of my childhood had been spent in Metuchen as I went to elementary school at St. Francis and all of my close friends were Metuchen residents. After moving to Metuchen almost 30 years ago, I have seen the town change over these many years, some changes being good and some not.

I, too, was a little girl, and then a teenager, who would come to watch the Metuchen Christmas Parade, as it was then called, and would wish with all my heart that I could be "Miss Merry Christmas" one day. But the requirements were that you be a Metuchen resident and attend Metuchen High School. Since I was neither, I knew it was never to be for me, but it was a dream that was in my head and heart for many years. Of course I, like many other young girls in the same situation, was disappointed and sad over the fact, but it was just the way it was and, I ask you, what’s wrong with that? 

Far too many of our young people today grow up never knowing disappointment. Their parents spend so much time scrambling around trying to make their children’s lives perfect, without the many things that happen to us along the path in our lives that give us resilience and character. It’s natural for parents to want to protect and shield their children from all the bumps and scratches that are inevitable, but how do you prepare them for the real world that they will be thrust into if you don’t allow them to experience the realities along the way?

Mr. Lewis believes that any young lady who is not eligible for the title of "Miss Merry Christmas" because she has not been raised in the Christian faith or has no religious beliefs is being spurned. He believes that we should change the title to exclude any reference to Christmas. I must ask why?

In celebrating the diversity of our town, and our country, why can we not also have a Miss Happy Holidays, a Miss Winter Princess, or a Miss Metuchen Mistletoe, in addition to Miss Merry Christmas? Santa Claus, any way you cut it, is all about Christmas. Are we going to get rid of Santa too? Do children of all faiths not go to the parade and get excited to see Santa, even though they may be of a faith that does not celebrate Christmas? What will you say to the children when Santa becomes politically incorrect and there is no Santa in the parade? Are their feelings not important?

I think if the glass that is nearly full, according to Mr. Lewis, is to be filled to the brim in our wonderful little town, it will come only when everyone’s feelings and beliefs are taken into consideration, not some being sacrificed for others.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, because what I am wishing you is hope, joy and wonderful moments to remember at this time as well as all the year through.

Michelle Jordan
