Alliance offers tips for healthy resolutions in the new year ahead

Here we are again — that time of year when just about everybody makes yet another New Year’s resolution to get more exercise. If you’re finally sincere about it, the Bayshore Health Alliance in Keyport wants to help you. We would like to offer tips specifically aimed at helping adults get physically active and stay that way.

• Get a medical checkup before you start any exercise program, have those everyday aches and pains checked for existing problems

• Examine your exercise options, pick an exercise program you know you’ll enjoy so you stick with it

• Start slowly — don’t try to do too much when you first start exercising

• Exercise with a friend, it will help keep you motivated

• Make a list of the benefits you expect from your exercise program — make sure your expectations are realistic

• Make another list of all the reasons for being physically active, such as decreasing stress, strengthening bones, improving strength and flexibility, greater independence, more energy, and better sleep

• Tell your family and friends about your exercise goals and ask them for their support and encouragement

• Dress appropriately — the right footwear can prevent injury

• Drink plenty of fluids even if you’re not thirsty — prevent dehydration

• If an exercise hurts, don’t do it

• Stretch before and after workouts to prevent soreness and injury while increasing flexibility

• Keep a journal of your exercise progress

• Reward yourself — when you’ve reached your goal, treat yourself with something that feeds your spirit, not food or an expensive purchase.

Bayshore Health Alliance’s multidisciplinary team provides an aggressive nonsurgical approach to pain and injury, while returning you to normal function. As a commitment to the community, we offer a free consultation and screening to those who have been postponing exercise because of nagging aches and pains. We wish you success in all your New Year’s resolutions.

Barbara Calvert

Bayshore Health Alliance
