Republican Club sets meeting

To the editor

   As this politically interesting year begins, we start to think about all the opportunities available to us in this Presidential election year. We have planned a number of exciting events and are looking forward to gathering together.
   We would like to start the new year by renewing our club with a spirit of Republican unity, culminating with a satisfying victory in November.
   In order to accomplish this, The Manville Republican Club must be reorganized with the election of a complete set of new officers. We have several new members who are interested in serving our party either as club officers, committee men and women, or as council candidates running on the Republican ticket headed by our great leader George W. Bush.
   Also, the Manville Republican County Committee members must immediately convene thereafter to select a new municipal chairman and vice-chairman as well as to fill any and all committee vacancies.
   Therefore, in order to restart our organization, as required by Republican by-laws, your trustees have determined that the following must be accomplished immediately:
   1. To call a meeting of The Manville Republican Club to elect new and dedicated club officers.
   2.T o elect a new Republican municipal chairman and a new vice-chairman committed to electing two new effective borough council candidates that will properly represent our party’s principals.
   3. To ensure that all elected Republican officials and candidates will work in full cooperation with our municipal chairman, county committee members, and Republican Club officers in order to accomplish our goal of a victory in November.
   To this end, your trustees are soliciting your support to join us by attending our Republican Club reorganization meeting scheduled for 7 p.m., Jan. 27, at the VFW Hall.
   George Washington once said, "Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation for ’tis better to be alone than in bad company." It is time for us to gather again, with a common purpose as Republicans.
   We love our country, we love our party and the beliefs for which we stand, and we love our town. This year together, we will move forward enjoying our friendships and camaraderie. Have a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year.

Rudy and Jeanne Nowak
Manville Republican Club