Route 27 light move to start

Construction at the intersection of Route 27 and New Road to begin on March 1.

By: Sharlee Joy DiMinichi
   Construction on the intersection of Route 27 and New Road is slated to begin March 1, according to Dave Samuel, an engineer from CME, the township’s engineering firm.
   The project will involve moving a traffic light and widening a segment of New Road near the intersection, according to Township Manager Matt Watkins.
   The township Planning Board gave Wachovia Bank, then known as First Union, approval in December 1999 to demolish an existing bank and build a new 6,781-square-foot bank building on the site. The project also included widening New Road and moving the Route 27-New Road traffic light. The move means moving utility poles and signs and replacing sidewalks and curbs.
   Wachovia spokeswoman Fran Durst said the state Department of Transportation’s concerns about snow and cold prevented construction from starting immediately.
   The new building is complete and the poles and signs have been moved, but the last piece of the project — moving the light — was delayed by the need to obtain permits from the DOT, Ms. Durst said last month.