Letters-Feb. 12, 2004

Trap Rock

violating laws
To the editor:
   Monday, Feb. 9, the Delaware Township Committee was expected to vote on Trap Rock’s 2004 license renewal application.
   A neighborhood organization urged the Township Committee to postpone approval of this operation until all ordinance requirements are met by Trap Rock. At issue is Trap Rock’s reclamation activities for 2004 and mining operations occurring in areas of the township zoned residential.
   Concerned Neighbors of Trap Rock is a group of approximately two dozen Delaware Township homeowners working together for more than five years to educate their Township Committee representatives about the damaging effects of the frequent blasting from their local quarry, Trap Rock.
   The neighborhood group is holding their elected township officials accountable for enforcing the township’s quarry ordinance and has discovered numerous violations of both the township’s ordinance and state blasting regulations by Trap Rock since 1998.
   In 2001, the New Jersey Department of Labor cited Trap Rock for 16 violations of state blasting requirements brought to their attention by Concerned Neighbors of Trap Rock.
   Since that time, the neighborhood organization have focused their efforts on proper township enforcement of the township’s own licensing ordinance, which specifies the conditions under which Trap Rock can operate in Delaware Township.
   For more information, contact Kathy Katz at [email protected] or 397-9065.

Kathy Katz
Delaware Township


needs work
To the editor:
   The intersection of Route 518 and Harbourton-Mt. Airy Road needs some attention.
   I’ve always wondered why obviously difficult crossings seem to require about five maimings and three deaths before a light gets installed. If it’s all about money, consider that the budget of the National Hurricane Service values lives saved at $5 million apiece.
   Of course, those are shore people, but our locals must be worth something.

Bruce Nadelson
West Amwell