School budget spends too much on athletics

To the editor

    Dr. Gulick has done it again. Another attempt to ream the residents of Hillsborough, with yet another proposed tax increase.
   This time, a $90 million budget, which relates to a 6.49 percent increase in our already outrageous taxes.
   Personally, this will increase my taxes from the current $9,562 to $10,182.
   In 2001 my taxes were $6,085. Now it’s proposed to be $10,182. This is an increase of 67 percent in three years. What is wrong in this township?
   Unfortunately, I thought that Dr. Gulick was retiring this year, and would be replaced with someone more economically literate. However, this did not occur. Remaining in office, he continues to fleece the flock.
   The Star-Ledger quoted Dr. Gulick as saying that the budget is not about taxes but giving the students what they need to be successful.
   To be successful? Dr. Gulick states that students need to be involved in "wholesome" activities, like sports. I may be old-fashioned, but my kids went to school to get an education, not to learn how to play ice hockey or volleyball, as Dr. Gulick is suggesting.
   He supports all sports programs regardless of the costs to the taxpayers.
   Luckily, his artificial turf proposal, for the football field, was defeated. Hopefully, his ice hockey and volleyball proposals will do likewise.
   Dr. Gulick wants "astro-turf," ice hockey and volleyball. He should be more involved in athletics, and much less in education.

Ron Kavchok