Intelligence expert to give Sunday talk at university

   Raymond H. Close, a 26-year specialist with the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, will speak on "The Uses and Misuses of Intelligence" 4 p.m. Sunday at 302 Frist Campus Center at Princeton University.
   Mr. Close, a Princeton University graduate, is from a family of teachers, diplomats and businessmen in the Arab Middle East for four generations. During his career, he served undercover as a political officer at American embassies in Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
   For seven years, before his retirement in 1977, he was the CIA’s senior representative in Saudi Arabia, where he remained for seven more years as a private consultant to several American and European corporations.
   Now living in Princeton, Mr. Close continues to act as an international business consultant while keeping in touch with many colleagues connected with the CIA and the State Department.
   The talk, free and open to the public, is sponsored by the Princeton Middle East Society, the International Center of Princeton University, the Princeton Peace Network and the Coalition for Peace Action.