News of Other Days

125 years ago
   Harbor Master Clinton receives the munificent salary of $10 per year. Postmaster Wetteroth and Col. Buckelew’s chief clerk, R.D. Keen, are sureties that he will faithfully and fearlessly discharge the responsible and onerous duties of the elevated office.
   We had the gratification of examining the elegant gold watch presented last week to our townsman, Colonel Wm. R. Murphy. It is a perfect beauty, and looks as if Messrs. Cook and Jacques had received a carte blanche from the donors. The chain and seal are in keeping with the timepiece.
105 years ago
   An item in the Register, Feb. 17 last, refers to the mercury being 8 degrees below zero that week. The result of the former still exists in the shape of good, solid ice for the comfort of sweltering humanity.
   Lawyer Beldon appeared at the solicitation of the friends of the band concerts, given on Walnut street, for a platform. They wanted the privilege of using the street; also to prohibit vehicles passing through the street; also to have the night officers to go on duty earlier than usual to prevent noise by children. On motion (Burr) the privileges asked for were granted.
   Samuel E. Barr, in behalf of the Board of Trade, asked for $50 to swell the amount already provided for a street sprinkler.
   Councilman Birmingham caused a buzz of approval among the auditors when he said the principal object seemed to be to save the stone road, for which the contractors are responsible for a year, and then it should be done by the trolley company in return for its franchise.
80 years ago
   An oratorical contest was held in the assembly of the high school on Monday afternoon. The topic chosen was "The injustice of the present system of the distribution of the State School money and the difficulties involved in adjusting these inequalities."
   There were six contestants, namely Florence Warrack, Harold Bozarth, Prior Dougherty, Alexander Lee, Margaret Murphy, Victor Dragon. A prize of $5 was presented to each of the contestants as a reward for his work. By choice of the faculty and the vote of the students, Margaret Murphy was chosen as the winner.
35 years ago
   Bordentown City is facing an increasing shortage of substitute teachers, according to George Herman, principal of City’s schools. At the Board of Education meeting last week, Herman said that substitute teachers in Bordentown are being lured away to neighboring communities in Mercer County. Herman cited the higher rate of pay in Mercer county towns as the reason for the exodous. He said that Bordentown’s pay rate of $18 per day could not compete with the higher rates in Trenton and Hamilton Township.