The New Jersey Sports and Exposition Author-ity made a smart decision in seeking Planning Board approval for a 46-unit development on 30 acres in Oceanport that it plans to sell. The move will undoubtedly allow it to receive more for the property than it would without such an approval
Now it needs to make that decision work for the borough as well.
Residents and environmentalists are concerned about the project encroaching on wetlands and the Oceanport Creek, and the elimination of habitat for the many wild birds and animals that now call the area home.
They would like to see the authority provide a 300-foot buffer to the environmentally sensitive areas, and while that is apparently beyond the legal requirement, there is nothing stopping the authority from doing more than the minimum — and it should.
The authority has already demonstrated that it is willing to take the town’s interest into account, by proposing a building plan that is far less dense than zoning on the site permits.
It should now take the next step and alter the plan to accommodate the environmental concerns.
Right now, those seeking the larger buffer are organizing and petitioning the state to step in and force the authority to create the larger buffer.
It’s possible that their battle against the plan could delay the project, and it doesn’t make sense for either side to have to expend the resources necessary to conduct such a fight.
In all likelihood, any changes needed to accommodate the environmental concerns will be minor and will probably have little effect on the price the authority will get for the property.
While not economic, the benefits of ensuring the environmentally sensitive areas are protected will accrue long after the project is built.
Considering the low density of the project submitted, it is quite possible that even with a larger buffer, the project could still have 46 units.
The authority has already shown that it wants to be a good neighbor. It should finish the job and provide the buffer requested.