April 26, 4:33 p.m.: The Pat Tillman story

An ex-football player’s death raises questions.

By: Hank Kalet
   I am troubled by the death of former Arizona Cardinal Pat Tillman in Afghanistan.
   On the one hand, Tillman did something few of those who pushed for a military response in Afghanistan — and later, in Iraq — were willing to do: He signed up and put himself on the front lines, forsaking millions in salary.
   For that reason and that reason alone, he should be viewed as a hero.
   But the response, as this response on the Common Dreams News Center, shows how the death of a football hero can be misused and turned into propaganda. I’m not sure that I agree completely with all of what Randy Shaw is saying here — I found it a bit simplistic and a too dismissive of Tillman’s very real commitment to his beliefs.
   But one cannot argue the jingoistic tone of the coverage.
   Tillman’s death also raises another question: Whatever happened to Afghanistan? There is still significant fighting taking place there — though you wouldn’t necessarily know that from reading the news. And our successes there have been eroding, with the Taliban regaining strength and the country in disarray.