Borough native honored at Pentagon ceremony

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

Air Force Master Sgt. Russell Pitcher (l) receives an award from Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, at the Pentagon on March 30.Air Force Master Sgt. Russell Pitcher (l) receives an award from Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, at the Pentagon on March 30.

METUCHEN — Air Force Master Sgt. Russell Pitcher, 39, a borough native with nearly 20 years of service under his belt, was awarded the Joint Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service at a Pentagon ceremony March 30.

Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz presented the award, which is authorized by the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Pitcher, the second oldest of six children, is a graduate of Metuchen High School and Middlesex County College.

His mother, Sherry, said he was extremely athletic growing up, playing football, baseball and basketball, as well as taking part in track and field.

She confessed to being surprised when he originally enlisted, but she said she is very proud of his accomplishments.

Pitcher said his decision to join the Air Force came shortly before he graduated from Middlesex County College, Edison.

"I needed a job at the time, and I had a friend who was already in," he said.

In his 20 years of service, Pitcher has taught computer network operations to armed services personnel and overseen communications technology across the globe, including stints in France, Italy, Spain, Panama, Okinawa, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

"He’s able to get the best out of people," his mother said.

While stationed in Key West several years ago, he met his wife, Michelle, and they adopted a daughter, Tatiana, now 6.

Pitcher is currently serving at March Air Force Base in Riverside, Calif., where he is superintendent of information technology at the Defense Media Center.

Pitcher, who has high security clearance, said his job consists of overseeing the radio and television signals that are sent overseas to U.S. troops, personnel and embassies, and providing the media with footage and photographs where needed.

He has also been involved in providing network support for intelligence operations.

Pitcher said he expects to be transferred to Charleston Air Force Base in South Carolina shortly.