PLUMSTED — Mayor Ronald S. Dancer said the Township Committee recently awarded a contract for $18,827 to Williams Scotsman Inc., Cherry Hill, which submitted the lowest of four bids for the purchase of a 10- by 40-foot modular unit that will be used to expand the police department’s work area. The highest of the four bids was for $25,411, Dancer said.
The mayor said the committee also authorized $17,500 for renovations and improvements to the main police headquarters building at the corner of Mag-nolia Avenue and Cedar Street.
According to Dancer, in the early 1990s, although there was a need to construct a new municipal administration and court building, the committee at that time decided it would convert a former Ocean County Road Department garage into Plumsted’s police headquarters.
He said the improvements to the structure are being paid for with budgeted savings and not borrowing. The volunteer labor of Director of Public Safety Michael Lynch and police officers volunteering to do the painting and renovation work will also contribute to the project.
Also, said Dancer, the state Depart-ment of Law and Public Safety awarded Plumsted an $865 grant from the State Body Armor Replacement Fund Program that will be put toward the purchase of bulletproof vests for the township’s police officers.
Finally, Dancer said the committee authorized the $23,746 purchase of a new police car from Hertrich Fleet Services Inc.