District carries message to Gov.

District carries message to Gov.

JACKSON — Thousands of Jackson residents who filled out bright green postcards asking lawmakers for more equitable school funding for growing districts like Jackson did so with the hope that their pleas would be heard in Trenton. The Board of Education’s Legislative Committee wants residents to know that the cards — and the message behind them — were well received by the Office of the Governor.

"Sitting in the State House in the Office of the Governor and speaking about the burdens that exist in Jackson was a big step toward getting our message heard by the top levels of government," said Legislative Committee Chairwoman Linda Lackay of the group’s meeting with an aide to Gov. James E. McGreevey. "We had a chance to spell out why taxpayers in a growing town like Jackson shoulder an unfair burden when it comes to school funding and why things need to change."

According to a press release from the school district, Lackay and fellow board members Dan Gross and Marvin Krakower were joined by Superintendent of Schools Thomas Gialanella and other Legislative Committee members Mary-beth Beichert, Chuck Boudreau and Twila Rust for the meeting, which was held in a conference room in the Office of the Governor.

The group met with Armen Meyer, an assistant to McGreevey, who pledged to carry the message on to the governor’s office and policy advisers.

"Having time inside the State House to methodically and thoroughly lay out the logic behind your argument is valuable to our cause," said board President Michael Hanlon. "The Legislative Com-mittee and the thousands of taxpayers who participated in our postcard campaign should be proud to have earned the chance to illuminate the special burdens that fall to the Jackson taxpayer."