My life and that of my family was considerably better last summer than this summer. Last summer, we had three happy children enrolled in a wonderful and affordable recreation program. This year, camp was out of the question. There was no way we could pay three times more to send the kids to camp.
We are not alone. We have friends and neighbors in the same boat. We’ve started calling it the Republican boat. We want to get off. It is not government with heart. It is government that is designed to win elections and hold onto power. But I’ve got to hand this to the Township Council president: He’s shrewd. The majority of parents with young children, I’m ashamed to say, don’t vote. By directing budget cuts to impact families and kids, he’ll keep his senior citizen vote. To push forth a political career on the backs of children is shameful.
Personally, the senior citizens I know are smart enough to see through the charade. I just hope they can spread the word fast enough before we all sink on the Republican boat.
Robert Kaczka