JCP&L employees donate school supplies

Mary A. Thornton (l-r), of F&CS, accepts donations from Sue Brownfield, Sandy Lucas-Evans, Bill Stevenson and Mildred Johnson. Mary A. Thornton (l-r), of F&CS, accepts donations from Sue Brownfield, Sandy Lucas-Evans, Bill Stevenson and Mildred Johnson. Employees at Jersey Central Power & Light’s central region headquarters in Red Bank recently collected backpacks, pens, notebooks, crayons and other school supplies for the annual “Pack-A-Backpack” project sponsored by Family & Children’s Services, Long Branch. Pack-A-Backpack provides donations for children in Monmouth County who may otherwise return to school without necessary supplies. Mary A. Thornton, F&CS education coordinator, received the supplies from JCP&L employees Sue Brownfield, Sandy Lucas-Evans, Bill Stevenson and Mildred Johnson.