Oct. 2, 9:07 p.m.: Back after a long absence with some postings, including 3 weeks of Dispatches

OK. So I missed a couple of weeks.

By: Hank Kalet
   OK. So I missed a couple of weeks. We’ve some staff issues and we’ve been interviewing candidates for South Brunswick Township Council, Jamesburg Borough Council and Cranbury Township Committee as part of our endorsement process.
   That doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking of you lovely people out there, or that I haven’t been writing.
   Here are the last two Dispatches:
   This one, from Sept. 23, was about the mother of a soldier who was killed in Iraq. Sue Niederer, whose son Seth Dvorin graduated from South Brunswick High School, has become an outspoken critic of the war and the president. Read about her here.
   This piece is about modern campaigning and the dangerous way it carves up the electorate into special interest groups.
   And in case you missed it, here is my ode to the recently deceased Polish poet Czeslaw Milosz, one of the greatest men ever to put pen to paper.
   Give them a read and accept my apologies for being a lazy, good-for-nothing blogger.