Grateful to assemblyman for stand on toll removal

Assemblyman Patrick Diegnan’s letter to the editor (“State Should Commit to Removal of Parkway Tolls,” Suburban, Sept. 30) is right on target.

It’s refreshing to see an elected official take such a positive position designed to help the citizens of New Jersey instead of special-interest groups.

Tolls are the epitome of waste and mismanagement because more is spent on toll collection costs than on road maintenance. One can only imagine how much additional time and cost would be spent driving to Florida if Garden State Parkway-type toll booths appeared south of Baltimore on Interstate 95.

I recently sent a letter to Gov. James McGreevey asking him to support Assemblyman Diegnan’s bill to remove tolls from the parkway. I hope that Suburban readers will also contact their elected officials to voice their opinion regarding toll roads.

Bob Ahlers

East Brunswick