Stroller buddies program
at Ocean County Mall
The Ocean County Parks and Recreation Department is sponsoring a Stroller Buddies program at the Ocean County Connection in the Ocean County Mall, Toms River. The program is designed for parents and children to meet others in a social and recreational atmosphere. Two laps around the mall are approximately 1.5 miles. No preregistration is necessary. Stroller Buddies are scheduled to meet Nov. 10 and Dec. 1 at 11 a.m. Details: (877) OCParks.
Visit Disabled American
Veterans mobile office
The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) invite the public to visit its free mobile service office to learn more about rights and benefits for veterans. A trained DAV National Service Officer will be available to personally provide counseling and claim filing assistance. Veterans should bring their claim number, Social Security number and any pertinent documentation. The mobile office will be at Wal-Mart 950 Route 37 west, Toms River, Oct. 21 and at ShopRite Plaza, County Line Road, Jackson, Oct. 22, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at both locations. Details: (215) 381-3065.
Defensive driving class
reduces driving points
Registration is in progress for a defensive driving two-point reduction class which will be held Oct. 18-19 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. as part of the Lakewood Community School fall semester. This six-hour course, to be held at Lakewood High School, Somerset Avenue, can save students 5 percent on their auto insurance policy for three years and/or reduce two points on their driving records. Included in this class are textbook, film viewing and processing of all paperwork to the Division of Motor Vehicles. Details: (732) 905-3685.