SEA BRIGHT — The borough and three other municipalities have banded together to finance an assessment of Shore Regional High School and how it measures up to other regional high schools in programs and costs.
The Borough Council on Oct. 5 voted 5-0 to approve the expenditure of $100 as its one-quarter share of the $400 cost of the school review.
The other three participating towns are Monmouth Beach, West Long Branch and Oceanport. They, along with Sea Bright, are the four towns that send students to Shore Regional High School.
The assessment will be performed by Leonard B. Williams, a retired school business administrator from Freehold Township, who did the detailed examination of Shore Regional’s budget earlier this year for the four towns and recommended cuts they could propose in it.
The four towns banded together at that time to jointly recommend $300,000 in cuts to Shore Regional’s budget after the spending plan was defeated in two of the towns — Sea Bright and Oceanport — in the spring school elections. Shore Regional grudgingly accepted the reduction of $300,000 in its budget rather than appeal it to the county and state, but chose different areas to cut.