Plumsted hires two more police officers

PLUMSTED — With the help of a grant, the Township Committee was able to hire two additional police officers. The number of police officers now stands at 11 — an all-time high for the department, Mayor Ronald S. Dancer said.

The two new officers, Patrolman Michael Cardinali and Patrolman Chris-topher A. Di Meo, were sworn into office on Sept. 13 by Ocean County Freeholder Gerry Little.

Dancer said Cardinali resides in Manahawkin and is a former New York City police officer.

Di Meo resides in Hamilton Township. Prior to being hired in Plumsted, he was with the Belmar Police Department.

Dancer said the Township Committee recently received a $50,000 Homeland Security grant to pay for the hiring of the two patrolmen.

Dancer said it was with the assistance of federal and state grants that made it possible for the committee to provide residents with a full-time police department.

“The aggressive pursuit of federal, state, county and private foundation grants by the Township Committee has resulted in millions of dollars to Plumsted rather than other municipalities and saving thousands (of dollars) for our taxpayers,” Dancer said.

The mayor said the committee also recently authorized the filing of a grant application in order to pay for the upgrading and replacement of the playground equipment at the municipal park.

Also, said Dancer, thanks to the efforts of Committeeman Ken Francis, liaison to the road department, the committee was able to obtain a $100,000 grant from the Transportation Fund Act to pay for road paving that is now in progress on Loveman Road, Shedloch Road, East Caines, Hotchkin Lane and Hornerstown Road.

Additionally, Dancer said, all the paving, road widening, piping, curb and sidewalk construction on Evergreen Road is being paid for with a $125,000 grant the committee obtained from the state Department of Transportation, and Ocean County is providing the funding to pay for the intersection improvements at Evergreen Road and Route 537.

Dancer said the intersection of Ever-green Road and Route 537 is being widened and the blinking light will be upgraded to a full traffic signal.

Finally, Dancer said he wants residents to know the Ocean County Health Department this year is canceling its annual trip to Plumsted to give out flu shots due to the shortage of the vaccine.

Dancer said health department officials are urging the at-risk population to contact their private physicians about the availability of flu vaccine.