Powys Gallery show opens in Shrewsbury Nov. 13

Grandes Herbes, one of the works by Pascal Ladeveze. Grandes Herbes, one of the works by Pascal Ladeveze. An exhibit of works by French artist Pascal Ladeveze will open at Powys Gallery in Shrewsbury Nov. 13.

The exhibit is the first on the East Coast for the artist, whose work is inspired by the impressionist movement but has a modern look with rectangular brush strokes and bright colors reflecting his visions from the Provençe region. The gallery also will have an exhibit of works by Russian painter Gregory Bayda-Benua. The exhibit is the painter’s first in the United States and features works in a loose impressionist style and vibrant colors.

Hours at Powys Gallery, located at 432 Broad St., are Tuesday through Thursday from noon to 5 p.m., Friday noon to 7 p.m., and Saturday 2-5 p.m. For more information, call (732) 936-0220.