The Daughters of Penelope, Tethys Chapter No. 229 will hold its annual tricky tray fund-raiser at 7 p.m. on Nov. 19 at St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 1101 River Road, Piscataway.
The event will feature Christmas gifts, electronics, toys, crystal, Lenox, jewelry and gift baskets.
Admission is $7 and includes auction tickets and refreshments. Additional auction tickets may be purchased for a small fee. Proceeds will benefit various charities.
For more information or to reserve, call Alice Kartikis at (732) 297-0581 or Polly Plousiou at (732) 297-6246.
Established in 1929, the Daughters of Penelope is the women’s organization of the Family American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), with headquarters in Washington, D.C.