Thank freeholders for quality of life in county

I am tired of reading things about Middlesex County government and the Board of Chosen Freeholders in the newspaper stories about the man who pleaded guilty to fraud.

There are many reasons why my neighbors and I are lucky to have a county government that really works and that makes living and working here in Middlesex County a great experience.

I know young people who have gotten good jobs because of their training at Middlesex County Vocational and Technical High Schools and of successful business people who got their degrees at Middlesex County College, Edison — thanks to our freeholders. I know couples who never miss Plays-in-the-Park — thanks to our county freeholders.

I also know many senior citizens like myself who benefit from the county discount prescription drug program and safety programs available through our county government agencies — again, thanks to the freeholders.

In short, I know that the quality of life our family enjoys in the county is the result of our committed freeholder board.

Sometimes we take our local government for granted. Today, with all the negative press stories about a corrupt fund-raiser, our freeholders deserve our thanks and support. We appreciate what they do for our county and hope they will keep up the good work.

Arthur N. Wolke
