Girl Scouts salute volunteers

The Girl Scouts of Ocean County recently recognized outstanding Ocean County adult volunteers for their service to the council and to the approximately 5,800 girls served in its jurisdiction.

Among the local recipients were Diane Holzlein, of Jackson, and Carmela Krieg, of New Egypt, who received the Thanks Badge, the highest recognition for an adult in Girl Scouting; Lori Birchler, of Jackson, who was presented with the Honor Pin, the second highest national award given to adult volunteers in Girl Scouting; Dina Barreto and Donna Sauers, both of Jackson, who received the Appreciation Pin, the third highest national award for adult volunteers in Girl Scouting; Pam Chiarelli and Debbie Dodd, both of Jackson, who received the Beacon Award, which recognizes dedicated adult volunteers for continued outstanding service; and Renee Jobes, of New Egypt, who received a Beacon Bar for continued service.

In addition, the following adult volunteers were recognized for their work on specific volunteer projects with the Girl Scouts of Ocean County’s new Outstanding Achievement Award. The local recipients of this award were Carrie Guinan, Kathy Hruschka, Diane Holzlein, Dottie Lynn, Renee Naden, Sue Opdyke, Sandy Sedar and Cathy Smida, all of Jackson; Jean Bucci, of Brick, and Carmela Krieg and Cathy Schadewald, both of New Egypt.

The council gave special recognition to local organizations and individuals that have helped Girl Scouting within the community. Plaques were presented to Laura Gendreau, of the Puerto Rican Action Board, for helping the council expand Girl Scouting within the Latino community in Lakewood; Mia Ebert, of the Oak Street Elementary School in Lakewood, for being instrumental in the successful collaboration between the Girl Scouts and the Lakewood Latch-Key Program; and Roger Koerber, of the Ocean County YMCA, for collaborating with the council in providing Girl Scouting to girls in the “Y-Kids” after-school program. Councilwoman Maureen Crinigan was given a token gift for inspiring both girls and adults with her tireless efforts.